when I open baidu.com, it does not skip another url, It's will direct open the baidu.com in China,
I think other URL also can skip to baidu.com, maybe some country cannot directly use baidu.com open the index, so we need other URL skips to baidu.com
For example, you can use bdstatic.com and bdimg.com skip to baidu.com,
but we access baidu directly use baidu.com, not use bdimg.com and bdstatic.com
Now,I use blacklist deny all domain name, then I use whitelist allow baidu.com,
In normal situation, I can‘t open all domain name, but I can use baidu.com to open the index page, but now I can't.
I can't use baidu.com open the index page, I don't know why?
I think I add bdstatic.com and bdimg.com domain name to whitelist, also same. I still can't use baidu.com open the index page, we use baidu.com to open the index page , we don't use bdstatic.com and bdimg.com to open it. When I allow baidu.com can access, I hope can use baidu.com to open the index page, I hope you can understand, Thanks.