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A running list of feature updates for Secure Connect.
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Before the integration of Meraki SD-WAN Hubs, the Secure Connect cloud had to serve as the hub, and all sites were required to be spokes. Now, with the support of the Meraki SD-WAN Hub, a site connected to Secure Connect can function as either a hub or a spoke.   This feature is particularly beneficial for existing Meraki SD-WAN customers, as it allows them to directly access their private applications through a Meraki Hub. This setup can reduce latency for sites that are located close to the hub site or if the application is hosted on an IaaS platform such as AWS, GCP, Azure, or others.   Additionally, there are other use cases to consider. If you're interested, you can learn more about Meraki SD-WAN Hub integration by clicking here to visit the documentation page.  
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Remote Access UI Enhancements
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