Unable to attach Meraki network to Australia-1 CloudHub

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Unable to attach Meraki network to Australia-1 CloudHub



   I'm trying to assign one of my Meraki sites (personal org) to the Australia region, but it fails with the "region Australia-1 is not a valid region" message! I was able to attach my network to other regions in the US in the past. Since the complete package is now available in Australia, would like to change my region.


I detached the site completely from the dashboard and attempted to attach it again but couldn't! I'm able to attach it to the Asia-1 region without any issues! What am I doing wrong?



2 Replies 2
Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

For clarity CloudHubs are different than Regions in the Secure Connect world. CloudHub is the legacy Cloud On-ramp capability. Regions are using the newer enhanced cloud native headend service (CNHE) with additional features and throughput. You need to remove your Cloud On-ramp deploy in order to deploy to the Australia-1 Region. 

Thanks Gary! I'll try this.

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