iPhones and Device Blocks

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iPhones and Device Blocks

I have an iPhone which I have blocked on my Meraki Go networks, but it is still occasionally generating content blocks in Umbrella.  The device shows up as a MAC address, so I can't really figure out who the device belongs to.  Does anyone have experience blocking iPhones and/or tracking down devices.  I just get a little unnerved when I block a device, yet it still generates content blocks.  I assumed that blocking the device would prevent it from even connecting to the network.

1 Reply 1
A model citizen

Hello @Image_Acquire 


I don't have an iPhone nor do I use GR-devices, but I have something similar going on with my wifi.


When I check my Network, I can see a device, usualy a Smartphone I don't know. That device was never connected to my wifi, first time I saw that device I was worried. But after some research I figured it is a device that has "Allways connect to WIFI when in range" enabled. So the device tries to connect to my wifi, the router notes the connection but due to the missing password there is no real connection going on.


I added MAC-blocking but it never solved the problem, the device was or is visible sometimes. To block devices on Meraki Go: Blocking Devices on Your Meraki Go Network - Cisco Meraki


I assume what you see is a device that did try to connect to your wifi but got blocked. You could ask someone you know with an iPhone to come by and see what happens (don't tell them the password).


If it shows the same result, you can be sure your wifi is secure.



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