bug: Default Port Settings on GX20 after re-enabling

A model citizen

bug: Default Port Settings on GX20 after re-enabling

I am not sure if this is truly a bug or a feature.


I was testing something last saturday on a GX20. During the test I had to disable multiple LAN-ports on the device. Each port had an individual setting. After enabling the ports they all came back with the default setting Trunk VLAN 1.


This lead to some weird behaviour on my network. All devices connected to the GX20 got a new ip-address even the ones that use a Reserved IP. All IP-addresses where from VLAN 1. I didn't realize this at the beginning, but when I wasn't able to connect to the devices I found out why.


Question now: Why does the GX20 not store the Port-Settings and uses default setting instead after re-enabling ports?


Thanks for any information on that topic.

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