There is no such log or information available, at least from what I see.
The default firewall-rule is set to block all incoming traffic. You can't really edit the default settings. The only setting, that will overwrite the firewall-rules is Port Forwarding, to harden a Port Forwarding rule you can add "Allowed Public IPS", this can be a single ip-address or a range of ip-addresses. If you don't add an ip-address to the list, the port is open for everyone. When you add an address, the port still shows to be open on a port-scan but the firewall will block requests coming from a different ip-address.
The only information you can get, is for outgoing connections. You can find that under Hardware, if you select the GX- or GR-device you will see Unique devices. Selecting a device from that list will show you all its information, Usage and Application usage. This for the past 2 hours, past day, past week or past month.