Loose-leaf Study Materials for CMSS

A model citizen

Loose-leaf Study Materials for CMSS

Hey everyone - I have an idea that I would like to run by the fine folks at Meraki.


Currently, to study for the CMSS, one needs to take the ECMS 1 & 2 courses, as well as study the information provided online at the Meraki Learning Hub (https://community.meraki.com/t5/FAQ-and-other-resources/ECMS-Exam-Self-study-Guide/ba-p/95926).


I have always preferred hardcopy study materials, since I am an old guy in a digital age. Reading page after page after page online gives me a headache. I have been printing the study materials out in order to have a hardcopy, then 3-hole punching them and putting them into a binder, with tabs separating the sections (old age sure is a lot of work, isn't it??).


Doing this got me wondering - what if the study materials were available as 3-hold punched loose-leaf pages, for purchase through the Learning Hub (or wherever would be appropriate)? I recently finished my bachelor's degree, and the university I attended often provided study materials this way for a much cheaper price than a softcover or hardcover book.


The materials for ECMS1 and ECMS2 could be printed, three-hole punched, and shrink wrapped for a significantly-reduced price and made available for us to buy.


This would also have the added benefit of potentially taking some of the stress off the online courses since another method of study would become available.


What say ye, Meraki Masters? Would anyone else be interested in this, and for the fine folks at Meraki, would this be a feasible option?



2 Replies 2
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

If you were interested in authoring a book (and making some money), and of course Cisco Meraki gave their consent, I know Cisco Press would be interested in publishing it as an "Exam Guide".



@PhilipDAthInteresting idea. I wish I could claim to have that level of knowledge and experience with Meraki, but that would be quite a stretch. I still feel like a Meraki Rookie who is coming to Meraki from Ye Olde Command Line, so any attempt by me to author a study guide at this point would, I believe, do a disservice to the community members who are trying to learn.


I do like your idea, but I have a feeling that someone much more experienced with this platform than I am will beat me to it.



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