Hi All,
It done 🙂 the Cat has his Solution.
I started with the Information delivered from the Website "Internet of Lego" http://www.internetoflego.com/meraki-location-updated-node-red-cmxscanning-node/
So I started by installing Node-Red on my Macbook. and i used the ngrok https://ngrok.com it makes it possible to have a connection from the Meraki cloud to my Macbook even being behind a firewall.
after Installing the node-red you start the Service "on OSX by typing ./node-red in a Terminal window. Now open Safari and you can access node-red by going to http://"your IP Adress":1880
Now open a second Terminal window and start ngrok by typing ./ngrok http 1880 this will open a public Webaddress to your Lab

This is a example how it will looks like. now go to your Meraki Dashboard and Login.
Click on your Name in the top right corner.

After this go to my Profile. Scroll down and generate a API Key. Attention you need to write it down!
Save your Change. Now go to the Menu Network-Wide --> general.
Scroll down to the API Key settings. and enable Analytics and Scanning API.this will show you a Validator number. Note it down you will need it later. Klick on add a Post URL enter the http link you got from the ngrok terminal window. something like http://465435040345.ngrok.io also enter a secret message like "password2me" click on save. you can't valide the yet, this will come later.
after this you go back to your node-red website. now you need the special Meraki node-red addon. a good example how it works can be found https://flows.nodered.org/node/node-red-contrib-meraki-cmx
you can install it the following way
cd ~
cd .node-red
npm install node-red-contrib-meraki-cmx
after this restart your node-red.
now do the following node-red script.

in the Meraki click on the Meraki Logo and configure it the following:

in the Secret and Validator field enter the infos from the Meraki Dashboard.
next use the function and click on it and enter the following:

now do the katze "Cat" switch 🙂 the mac address you enter must be the MAC from the device you want to track. I am using a
Track i got from Cisco Live 🙂

if you don't know the MAC address go to the Meraki Dashboard and select the Wireless Menu and select Bluetooth clients.

after this go to the Katze function and configure the message witch will be show if the Bluetooth device is seen.

at the end you add the debug function to get the Text in the debug window.

Now click on deploy and go to the Meraki Dashboard select Network --> general and go back where you entered the ngrok URL. Now click on the validate and you will see that the Meraki Dashboard is validating agains your script.
The Last step for the Cat door was to get a IOT Device capable of powering a door opener. I select a Barionet 100 from the company Barix. https://www.barix.com/control-products/barionet-family/barix/Product/show/barionet-100/
It has a lot of different IO Port's and 2 Relais witch can switch 220Volt. to control it i just added a HTTP request to my script like this:

the URL is the IP Adress of my Barix and the /rc.cgi? the o=1 is for the output 1 and the 10 means that this output is powered during 10 seconds. After putting all in a Box it looks like this:

I hope i could show you how I realised the Meraki Cat Door. have fun and if you have questions let me know.
regards Michel Rueger