Cisco Secure Connect - Cloud Firewall Policy
Change: New article.
Cisco+ Secure Connect Foundation Meraki SD-WAN Integration
Change: Added Data Loss Prevention to Licensing table.
Cisco+ Secure Connect - Admin User Management
Change: Added note that SAML admins can take up to 1 hour to fully sync; added "Why are some pages are spinning endlessly?" to FAQ.
Cisco+ Secure Connect - Manage DNS Policies
Change: Added note that DNS API integration feature is available for an MX with Advanced Security license; added section that the Umbrella Security Module will send all DNS queries directly to Umbrella except for configured internal domains.
Cisco+ Secure Connect Data Center List
Change: Changed status for "Cisco+ Secure Connect Foundation" for Chicago, IL, Minneapolis, MN and Marseille to "Available".
Cisco Meraki Canada Region
Change: Added "Cisco Meraki MI Insight" to list of supported products.
MX67 and MX68 Datasheet
Change: Added note that integrated cellular MXs (MX67C and MX68CW only) have a feature available under "SD-WAN & Traffic shaping" page where cellular connection that was previously only enabled as backup can now be configured as an active uplink, beginning from MX16.2+ versions.
AnyConnect on the MX Appliance
Change: Added note that stateless high availability and WAN failover are supported with AnyConnect on the MX; added statement about minimum firmware versions required (for MX64(W) and MX65(W), the firmware version must be 17.6+, and for all other supported models, the latest MX-16 firmware).
Troubleshooting MTU Issues
Change: Added note that the MTU value on the LAN-side of the MX is also 1500.
Security Center
Change: Added section "Reporting".
MS130 Datasheet
Change: Added section "Licensing".
MS350 Overview and Specifications
Change: Added note to refer to the MS Family Datasheet for more details around compatible SKUs for power supplies, stacking cables, redundant fans etc for different switch models.
Switch Port View
Change: Extended article introduction.
Alternate Management Interface on MS Devices
Change: Added note that the AMI VLAN should not be the same as the Management VLAN configured on any of the switches (the LAN IP VLAN on the switch details page) or for the network (via Switching > Switch settings > VLAN configuration).
Packet Captures and Port Mirroring on the MS Switch
Change: Added section "Port Mirror Egress Modes".
Splash Page Traffic Flow and Troubleshooting
Change: Added section "Splash Page Loads but Post-Splash URL Doesn't On Android".
CW9166D1 Installation Guide
Change: Added sections "Drop Ceiling Mount using T-Rail Mount attachment" and "LED Indicators and Run Dark Mode".
Gen3 Meraki MV Mounting Options and Guidelines
Change: Added "MA-MNT-MV-11" to list of compatible accessories for the corner mount (MA-MNT-MV-88).
MV63 Installation Guide
MV93 Installation Guide
Change: Added section "Factory Reset Button".
Meraki Vision Portal Changelog
Change: Added release notes for up to v1.14.0.
Change: Extended answer for question "Can I do vape detection with MT15?".
Common Sensor (MT) Event Log Messages
Change: Added multiple event types.
Mac Enrollment
Change: Added note that Rosetta 2 is NOT required for SM Agent versions 3.5.2+.
Android Enterprise Deployment Guide
Change: Edited minimum requirements (Android 10 (Quince Tart) +; Google Play Services version 21.42.58 +).
Meraki Authentication Server Certificate Rotations
Change: Added note that Windows 10 and 11 users may need to select the appropriate certificate during the rotation process.
Resetting Cisco Meraki Devices to Factory Defaults
Change: Added description for the MV63 factory default button location.
Device Uptime
Change: Added more information for getOrganizationDevicesBootsHistory and getOrganizationDevicesAvailabilitiesChangeHistory.
Meraki MS Subscription Licensing
Change: Added C9300 models.
Meraki Z Subscription Licensing
Change: Added Z1-HW.
Meraki End-of-Life (EOL) Products and Dates
Change: Added note that if the SKU of a product is not shown below, then the announcement for the end-of-sale and end-of-support for the product may not have been made yet.
Information for Cisco Meraki for Government users
Change: Added note that MS120 and MS390 have limited TAA Compliance.
Cloud Monitoring for Catalyst
MR - Wireless LAN
Seamless Roaming with MR Access Points
Wireless Troubleshooting
SM - Endpoint Management
Change: Added references to free online training courses on the Meraki Learning Hub.