Hi there....total newbie here!
Is it possible to implement web content filtering on the various devices being managed by the MDM on our MX-95 device?
I am aware that web content filtering is available for the MX-95 but unsure if that then transfers to the managed devices.
Not sure if this is what you are asking ... but besides the web content filtering at the network level, my school uses additional tools that tie into google workspace the monitors/filters web browsing and email.
Thanks Jeffrey. The only problem is that we are not using the MX as the network connection for these devices. They will all be on various WiFi from private to public, so I am not clear on whether the web content filtering on the MX will have any effect.
We use Cisco Umbrella for this. It involves configuring a profile in Umbrella and then installing a profile and the Cisco Umbrella app.
Hi @Keith_B ,
Have a read through the below link:
Do you also have the Meraki MRs?
If I’ve read one of your replies correctly below you’re stating that these devices are being used off your network? If so Umbrella would work here.
Are you UK based? We can assist with an Umbrella trial to get you up and running
Thanks Darren.
Fortunately we have experience in another team with Umbrella having rolled it our corporately. I will have a look at the docs.
Hello all.
So, there's quite a lot to get through here. I'm going to start with web content filtering on the MX...
https://documentation.meraki.com/MX/Content_Filtering_and_Threat_Protection/Content_Filtering is a great article showing you how you can configure your MX to do content filtering
So, any devices that connect through the MX will be made to follow these rules. Great!
However.... What if a device is NOT on your network. Given Hybrid working, this is a greater probability than it used to be.
So, there's a couple of options here:
1. Use either:
a. Web content filtering for iOS: https://documentation.meraki.com/SM/Profiles_and_Settings/Web_content_filtering_on_iOS_devices_in_Sy...
b. Chrome content filtering on Android: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Adbh_HMZ2j4
Both of these have their limitations
So, the better option:
2. Use Umbrella provisioned on your end devices. You can use Systems Manager to push the apps and configuration needed to protect your devices when they are both on and OFF your network: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1al5qfVTRA
I hope that this helps answer your question.
Sorry Paul....quick question. We have Umbrella on our Corporate network, could we use that to protect these off network devices through MDM as your video shows? The MX-95 will be on the same internal network.
Thanks Paul, that is helpful.