I would like to set a default 'DEP Settings' and have it automatically assigned to any new devices under Systems Manager > Manage > DEP.
Similar functionality is available in Jamf Pro: "Automatically assign new devices - Automatically assign all new devices to this PreStage enrollment"
I'm looking to pre-add the DEP Settings applied to a device at Activation/Enrollment.
Currently when we purchase new iOS devices they appear in DEP but do not have any DEP Settings applied. If the device is activated then it will not be enrolled in MDM. Before powering on the device we must go to Meraki > Systems Manager > Manage > DEP, select all the new devices (DEP column shows 'Empty'), then assign DEP Settings (DEP column now shows 'Assigned'), at activation the devices will now enroll in MDM.
I want to skip the manual assignment step and have this automated, just like this... https://www.jamf.com/jamf-nation/feature-requests/3550/dep-automatically-add-new-devices-to-prestage...
Can't you do this using the AutoTags?
Such as the tag "recently-added" or in your case "iOS Devices".
Here is some more info:
I actually met the person who put in the request to JAMF at a meeting in Cupertino at the new Apple ring. He's a great guy other than he's using the wrong MDM. 😉
I support this 100%. In addition, allowing us to add tags to that specific enrollment profile and allowing device names to be populated based on variables like $username, etc.
"In addition, allowing us to add tags to that specific enrollment profile and allowing device names to be populated based on variables like $username, etc."
Definitely need this, Airwatch had it as well.
If new devices aren't assigned and they are setup they will not be enrolled and then we will never know as the devices go directly to the users and not to ITS first. I need to check and make sure to assign the DEP profile to all new devices as they show up.
With the current Meraki configuration we have to check the DEP page every morning for new devices and assign settings. An important but manual task that could easily be automated.
omg... I wish I could "kudo" RoboTech's comment repeatedly. I've only been asking for about 5 years.
Good to know I wasn't just missing this. I'm currently testing Meraki MDM as a possible replacement to MaaS360 and it's little things like this that are turning me off of it as a good solution.
Well, I'll be the wet blanket on this one. While I can see the value of it, I would have an issue with this as not all of our devices get the same DEP settings. We have different settings based on if the device is being used by a staff member or a student.
Actually as I'm writing this post I'm changing my mind and would love this, with 4250 new iPads arriving this summer, I don't really want to have to apply settings to all of them. I'd rather they default to the student policy and then I can change those that are going to staff members.
Hello RoboTech,
we have done this using AD user authentication for enrollment. During enrollment there´s a sync between ad and Meraki. All AD Groups the user is member of are added as tags to the user. Based on these tags you can use to push everything you want as the owner of the device is automatically set to the user who enrolls it.
You can configure that under Systems Manager -> General
We implemented it using Active Directory via SM Agent
Hope this helps
@RaPo We use that here too and it works wonderfully when staff and students login to iPads.
I think the issue is this screen:
The ask is to have an automatic application of a default settings group, instead of either having to look every day to see if new clients have enrolled or in my case a full replacement of 4250 iPads that I now need to assign settings.
Even a simple feature like an email from Apple or Meraki when a new device is assigned in DEP would be a HUGE benefit if automatic assignment is undesirable or impossible.
I inquired about this with Meraki support and was told it was a limitation of Apple's API. Then I discover that this the default behavior in Jamf.
Minor quality of life issues like this will push large scale customers away from Meraki as an MDM.
Hi JamesG1
BlackBerry also supports Default DEP Setting assignment.
I have a Telco with Meraki engineers next week regarding several feature request. Hopefully they can provide me with good News...
Good news is when they are paying for lunch.
Hi @RoboTech,
This option is now available in SM. Go to Systems Manager > DEP and select "Manage Profiles". You now have the option to nominate a visible profile as default.
@Kevin_C Before the features are released would be nice, it's really quite painful to have a feature released and then have no clue what was changed or how to control it.
How long does it take for the settings to get assigned to the device?
@beks88 The default settings are applied immediately after the devices are synced into SM, and they take effect the next time the device is wiped.
@Kevin_C so I suppose I should open a support case to investigate on this? Screenshot was made on 20:55 CET
@Kevin_C - This should be somewhere more prominent (Sticky?): Thank you!
Peter James
in my case even with a default profile, nothing get applied to new DEP devices..
also, when manually applying the profile, the UI doesn't refresh automatically anymore, so it remains "emtpy" instead of "pushed"
I have an open support case on this, maybe you should raise also one.