Try to do this:
System manager -> settings
Add profile --> Attention, type: Device profile (default)
Name (easy for try): 123
Device tag: create a new tag: TG123
Thats is, Is a super easy profile. (do nothing)
Now, try to put this profile to macs
1.- If this profile is loading correctly. The problem is your profile MAC OS Shared
1-1: Try to do another profile
2.- if this profile dont loading. The problem is when you are loading the meraki agent
2-1: try to reload the agent:
1st try to clean your mac from old meraki agents
2nd goto:
devices --> Add Devices
macOS -> agent --> download the instaler
load the instaler in your mac
Go to meraki -- devices:
-- Be sure to see the green apple in meraki near your mac
load the profiole
I know I get a little repetitive. and there are steps that you obviously already know.
But sometimes, in the middle of one of those steps, there is the detail.
Good luky