Communication plattform - Meraki full stack

Communication plattform - Meraki full stack


Fjord1- ferge.jfif


The last year we have deployed a new communication platform with 90 ferries and 50 land location.

When the project first booked the new Mobility Gateway, we placed the largest order world wide for the MG21E. We combined the MG21 with the MX68 and MS125 onboard and the MX450 at the datacenter using SD-WAN with local breakout. The success for the project is probably based on the fact that we have very good mobile coverage in Norway. 


The customer is super happy with the stability and the crew onboard now can stream netflix in 4K. We most likely have reduced the overall the total need for IT support with approx 70% and changes that took 2-3 months now are solved within 3-4 minutes. 


We are now moving on with Cisco ISE integration and also have a couple of secrets coming soon based on the Meraki API


With this projects along with other advanced networks challenges Cisco rewarded med with the title Cisco Champion.


I feel like the art of selling network is not selling network, it's all about what business goals we can achieve together with the customer. The network is the solution to the problem 



-Raymond Olsen

Kind of a big deal

That is impressive.  That would have been difficult.


I did a "Meraki GPS" project a while ago.  If you have a network-based gpsd on board (good chance you do) you can use the script I wrote to dynamically update the locations of the ferries on the Meraki dashboard.  Otherwise, you can use the Raspberry Pi system and run gpsd on that. 



Thanks @PhilipDAth and thank you for the contribution all over this forum.  


There are some things you need to address when deploying offshore, like tell the network not to restart when offline :-), but then again we have very good mobile coverage in Norway even in the deep fjords 


When it comes to GPS, all ships are using AIS , so getting the GPS position here makes us not so depended on extra equipment onboard. 


To Meraki I have made a wish for the possibility to add and extra WAN interface to the MX, especially when using the MG21. We need to connect a bigger pool of MG21 connecting to different  carriers and the MG21 is a bit light you might says compared to other 4G/LTE gateway



Building a reputation

This is very neat and great implementation, thanks for sharing