Error P

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Error P

Hi All,


I can't login to either the APP or the web application as I get the error message "Error P".


Nothing works and I can't access therefore the routers., does not answer any emails for weeks...

2 Replies 2
A model citizen

Hello @Som21 


Are you able to log in to the local-satus page of your router?


You can connect to the page by entering the ip-address of your router or if you're connected directly to the router.


This is just to see if your router is up an running correctly.


Did you try a different browser to access the web-application?


Another thing to try is the Solution on this post: Solved: "Invalid API Key" & "Network Error" - The Meraki Community


If you're still having problems reach out to 

New here



Yes the router luckily works, I have internet access. 

Yes I did all the steps, unfortunately did not solve the issue. Thank you, I have already contacted but no answer for weeks.


Opened a ticket at Meraki now, let's see...

also please note that is not working anymore



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