Meraki mx64 firewall isssue

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Meraki mx64 firewall isssue

We are using mx64 firewall. When the device turn on, Device takes 30 to 40 minutes to internet up-link. We are facing some issues with meraki. Can anyone help me.

4 Replies 4
Kind of a big deal

Just to be sure I understand:


When you power the device on, it's taking 30-40 minutes to establish a link with your ISP on its WAN interface?


Have you tried the following? Roughly in order of what I'd do.


1. Changing the cable between your MX and the ISP's device. If cable doesn't change anything, does your ISP device have an additional available port that you could test?

2. Configuring a secondary WAN interface and using that, to see if the behavior changes

3. Connecting a device (usually a laptop with software firewall fully enabled, here) directly to your ISP's device and seeing how long that laptop takes to get a connection, when configured with the settings from your Meraki's WAN? You may need to bounce the ISP device to clear its arp table, or have your ISP clear it for you.

4. Verifying with your ISP that their device does not have a problem of its own? 

Kind of a big deal

@Nash wrote:

Just to be sure I understand:


3. Connecting a device (usually a laptop with software firewall fully enabled, here) directly to your ISP's device and seeing how long that laptop takes to get a connection, when configured with the settings from your Meraki's WAN? You may need to bounce the ISP device to clear its arp table, or have your ISP clear it for you.


@Lakshmikanth Are you using a static or a dynamic IP? Under certain circumstances an MX configured with a static IP will still try to DHCP an address. If your provider limits number of MACs (which many do) then @Nash 's point may be coming into play here. The 30 minute delay may be the time it takes to time out the first ARP entry created by DHCP before your static will start to work. 

Thanks for the quick response on the issue, as mentioned above, I have followed steps accordingly, and while I have changed LAN cable between mx and isp devices, Nothing worked, and then I have connected the laptop to isp device, it is working fine. There is no such issue when I have done this with the isp device.

Note: Ping response time is fluctuating when we turn on the MX64 device and after 30 minutes the Ping response

 time is being constant.

May I know the causes of Ping response fluctuation?

That would be of great help if it has been resolved.


Thanks and Regards



Check the speed and duplex of the MX-64 uplink.


It should show 1Gbps Duplex Auto. You can then look closely to see if it auto negotiates to Full duplex or not.


You can also look at the Event log for flapping ports, CRC errors, collisions, or other type of errors too.

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