what is the dfference between getNetworkHealthAlerts func and get-network-events ?

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what is the dfference between getNetworkHealthAlerts func and get-network-events ?



I want to use Meraki API for event management.

The question I have is that what is the diffenrence among these two Function?


getNetworkHealthAlerts func and get-network-events

1 Reply 1
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Hi ,


https://developer.cisco.com/meraki/api-v1/#!get-network-events  Is the endpoint that includes 'all' logs/Events from your network. On the dashboard it is : Network-Wide -> Event log


https://developer.cisco.com/meraki/api-v1/#!get-organization-devices-statuses Is a more detailed and noticeably new 'network health page'. It shows recent warnings on the network. Eg : CRC errors on ports , Recent 802.1X failures , recent dashboard connectivities issues. On the dashboard it is the 'bell' icon on the upper right of your screen when navigating in a Network : 




Hope that helps !

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