v1 API can't use third party IKEv2 VPN IPsec policy presets


v1 API can't use third party IKEv2 VPN IPsec policy presets

When creating a third party VPN using an IKEv2 peer there are several IPsec policy presets available in the web dashboard: AWS, Azure, Zscaler, Umbrella.


Calling updateOrganizationApplianceVpnThirdPartyVPNPeers with an IKEv2 peer with ipsecPoliciesPreset set to 'zscaler' returns an error:


400 Bad Request, {'errors': ['Peer "XXX": Invalid IPsec policy preset. Must be one of the following: default, aws, or azure.']}


Seems like the 'zscaler' and 'umbrella' options need to be added to the API.

1 Reply 1

Would love to see this added as well.


To provision IKEv2 tunnels you can set the correct custom IPSec policies manually but there is no option in the API for a local tunnel ID, and the API wipes this from the config, essentially making SWG tunnels impossible to implement with the APIs currently it seems

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