createNetworkMerakiAuthUser fails to mail password

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createNetworkMerakiAuthUser fails to mail password

Hello All,
Still struggling with the createNetworkMerakiAuthUser API calls..
There is an option called emailPasswordToUser 
When set to True it should be able to include the password in the mail, however.... this is not true
How can i sent a password or what am i doing wrong in this car... i get the confirmation that i can do all but no password in my mail message
Also still no answer on my question on how to authorize and existing administrator for the use of a VPN client on a network
6 Replies 6
Meraki Employee All-Star Meraki Employee All-Star
Meraki Employee All-Star

Hi Edgar,


Could you post your full JSON body (sans sensitive info) for review?

Building a reputation

Good Morning,


The JSON string sent the API Is :




'accountType': 'Client VPN',

'email': '',

'name': 'Edgar van Rhee',

'password': 'FakePassword',

'emailPasswordToUser': True,
'authorizations': [{'authorizedZone': 'NLRTM1-JOW', 'expiresAt': '2021-04-12T00:00:00'}]



Best regards





Meraki Employee All-Star Meraki Employee All-Star
Meraki Employee All-Star

Hi Edgar,


If you could, please open a support case for this. This doesn't seem right.




New here

I am also struggling with the issue even it's 2024. Users get emails with blank passwords unless I switch to web dashboard. Any resolution?

Meraki Employee All-Star Meraki Employee All-Star
Meraki Employee All-Star

Hi @xxia,


If you could, please open a support case for this. This doesn't seem right.




Getting noticed

I have written code using Meraki SDK for guest wifi access and Guests are getting credentials in email 


Not sure if that will work for VPN , if you need code let me know

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