Uploading/Changing Theme/Motif/Splash Page via API?

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Uploading/Changing Theme/Motif/Splash Page via API?

Hey there...


I found a single post about changing motifs via api where the reply stated it wasn't possible but this was rather old.  I can't find any documentation on an supported api calls either.


I'm attempting to make a simple color/motif change to the current Modern theme via api.


Are there any calls that would allow anything in the realm of customization for the splash page themes?  Or is this something I could inject with inline CSS by chance via the weclome message?


Thanks you!

1 Reply 1
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I fixed this with the following snippet in my welcome message:


.button {  
background: #0000FF;  
color: #ffffff;  
border-radius: 2px;  
margin: 2.5em 0 1em;  
padding: 1em;  
box-sizing: border-box;  
width: 100%;  
display: inline-block;  
text-align: center;}


I was only trying to modify my "I agree" button in this instance.


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