here is my question
Actually a i made a python script to export a full ports configuration of switch, stored those json data and i would like to uses those data tu push ports configuration to another switch of the same model
serial = input('Enter the serial number of the switch to backup: ')
Switch_export = dashboard.switch_ports.getDeviceSwitchPorts(serial)
print (Switch_export)
print(fThe switch port information has been stored')
serial2 = input("Please enter de serial of the destination switch : ")
for port in Switch_export:
Switch_import = dashboard.switch_ports.updateDeviceSwitchPort(serial2, i, )
i = i+1
print('The switch port information has been restored')
Because API doenst purpose to pussh all the configuration with one command i need to do a for with JSON data
Is there any possibilty to use json data port value of "Switch_export" in the "Switch_imports" arguments without need to use a Csv reader ?