Python script to import 100+ static routes

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Python script to import 100+ static routes

Hi All, apologies if this question has already been asked.

I'm in need to add 150+ static routes in total into network(s) and just wondering if there's already a public python script available to bulk import static routes?

3 Replies 3
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Hi ,


150 static routes 😲 


You can use this endpoint :!create-network-appliance-static-route

or!create-device-switch-routing-static-route if the routing is done on a MS L3 switch.


I would also consider running an IGP instead of 150 static routes , seems like a nightmare is about to happen.

Thank a lot, I'll check it out. Its actually just max 60+ statics per a network but will have to import 150+ in total across couple of networks. Unfortunately can't run dynamic as the statics routes are for existing B2B connection...the whole solution is complicated enough.

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Check out this script from the Meraki github to add static routes from a CSV file. 

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