I am trying to use Thonny to edit/create python scripts to learn.
I have Thonny installed, but I cant seem to import Meraki info.
I have tried
import meraki
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'meraki'
I have the Dashboard API library installed (1.42.0) via the GUI manage packages and searching for Metraki. do I need to install anything else?
I don't know this one, but make sure that Python is using the same Python environment where the meraki module is installed. You can also try installing the library with command pip install meraki.
Thank you.
I see in the Thonny info that
This dialog lists all available packages, but allows upgrading and uninstalling only packages from"
and points to
the Meraki API and SDK are in that dir.
Well, what I advise is to contact Thonny support, this problem is not related to Meraki. You can also use the free version of Pycharm, they have very extensive documentation.
Thank you. I am downloading Pycharm now.
You can use Wing IDE Personal, too. It is also free.
Have you installed the Meraki SDK?
pip3 install -U meraki
Thank you both.
To install the Meraki API on Thonny
From the "Tools" menu select "Open system shell...". You should get a new terminal window stating the correct name of the pip command (usually pip or pip3).
Then run "pip3 install -U meraki"
Now on to look at the next set of errors
Make sure you are in the right section. Under Tools->manage Packages and search for Meraki API. Then install