Powershell POST Script - Help

Getting noticed

Powershell POST Script - Help

Trying to execute a POST script in PS, below is the function.  When I run the script I'm receiving a 308 error.  


#Create a new dashboard administrator
function Post-MerakiAdmin {
param (
[string]$tags = ""
if (!$organizationId){
$orgIds = Get-MerakiOrganizations
$i = 0
ForEach($orgId in $orgIds){
Write-Host "$i $($orgId.name)"
Write-Host "`n"
While (!$organizationId){
$choice = Read-Host -Prompt "Select Organization"
$organizationId = $orgIds[$choice].id

$params = @{
name = $name
email = $email
orgAccess = $access
tags = $tags

$json = $params | ConvertTo-Json

$request = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($api)/organizations/$($organizationId)/admins" -Method POST -Headers $header -Body $json -ContentType $contentType
return $request


Any assistance is appreciated.

8 Replies 8
Getting noticed

What's the value of the $api variable? My guess would be that you've got a malformed URI. The 308 errors I've gotten in the past have been related to using the wrong URL. The API docs say to use the prefix: https://api.meraki.com/api/v0 before the /organizations/... bit. You could always just 'Write-Host $uri' before you call Invoke-RestMethod to see what it's sending.

Getting noticed

Finally figured out the issue.  On POST commands I had to change the URL, after reviewing multiple sites on the issue.  The $api variable equaled https://api.meraki.com........, and what I had to do was create a 2nd variable ($postapi) and point it to the redirected URL.   Once that was done script ran without error.




Can you please give me an example? I'm having the exact same error on any Meraki POST call using PowerShell.

Meraki Alumni (Retired)
Meraki Alumni (Retired)

Here is an example Powershell script showing how to manage the 308. I don't remember if everything in here is working or not, but it should give you some ideas of things to do.


Disclaimer in advance: Powershell is not my forte, so apologies for the questionable quality of the code.


Param (
    [string] $name,
    [string] $organization,
    [string] $network,
    [string] $device,
    [string] $port,
    [string] $psk,
    [switch] $getorgs = $false,
    [switch] $getnets = $false,
    [switch] $getdevs = $false,
    [switch] $gethealth = $false,
    [string] $newnet = $false,
    [string] $newdev = $false,
    [string] $newwhd = $false,
    [string] $setwhalert = $false,
    [string] $setssid = $false,
    [switch] $setssiddns = $false,
    [string] $setporttag = $false,
    [string] $setportvlan = $false,
    [string] $timespan = $false,
    [switch] $help = $false

New-Variable -Scope global -Name headers
$global:headers = @{
	"Content-Type" = "application/json"
	"Accept" = "application/json"
	"X-Cisco-Meraki-API-Key" = "1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234"
New-Variable -Scope global -Name base_url
$global:base_url = "https://api.meraki.com/api/v0"

add-type @"
using System.Net;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
public class TrustAllCertsPolicy : ICertificatePolicy {
    public bool CheckValidationResult(
        ServicePoint srvPoint, X509Certificate certificate,
        WebRequest request, int certificateProblem) {
        return true;
$AllProtocols = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]'Ssl3,Tls,Tls11,Tls12'
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = $AllProtocols
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = New-Object TrustAllCertsPolicy

Function Convert-FromUnixDate ($UnixDate) {

function callGETService {
	$uri = $global:base_url + $args[0];
	Write-Host 'Calling URI (GET):' $args[0];
	try {
		$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $uri -Headers $global:headers
	} catch {
		$ret = @{
			"statuscode" = $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__
			"statusmsg" = $_.Exception.Response.StatusDescription
		$response = $ret | ConvertTo-Json
	return $response

function callPOSTService {
	$json = $args[1] | ConvertTo-Json
	Write-Host 'Calling URI (POST): ' $args[0];
	try {
		$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri $uri -Body $json -Headers $global:headers
	} catch {
		$ret = @{
			"statuscode" = $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__
			"statusmsg" = $_.Exception.Response.StatusDescription
		$response = $ret
	return $response

function callPUTService {
	$json = $args[1] | ConvertTo-Json
	Write-Host 'Calling URI (PUT): ' $args[0];
	try {
		$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method PUT -Uri $uri -Body $json -Headers $global:headers
 	} catch {
		$ret = @{
			"statuscode" = $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__
			"statusmsg" = $_.Exception.Response.StatusDescription
		$response = $ret
	return $response

function find308dest {
	# Powershell really seems to be unfriendly with 308/Permanent Redirect given by
	#  Dashboard when making POST/PUT requests. Prior to issuing a POST/PUT, send the
	#  URL through this function, which will make a GET to determine the proper host
	#  to send the API request to.
	$fix_uri = $args[0] + $args[1];
	$fix_res = Invoke-WebRequest -Method GET -Uri $fix_uri -Headers $global:headers -MaximumRedirection 0 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
	$fix_url = $fix_res.Headers.Location
	$uri = $fix_url -replace $args[1],""

	return $uri

function getHelp {
	Write-Host "powershell -file mcmd.ps1 -action [name] [options]"
	Write-Host ""
	Write-Host "ACTION"
	Write-Host ""
	Write-Host "     -getorgs"
	Write-Host "          Returns a list of Organizations that the provided API Key has access to."
	Write-Host ""
	Write-Host "     -getnets"
	Write-Host "          Returns a list of Networks configured in the provided Organization."
	Write-Host "          Used together with -organization"
	Write-Host ""
	Write-Host "     -getdevs"
	Write-Host "          Returns a list of Devices configured in the provided Network."
	Write-Host "          Used together with -network"
	Write-Host ""
	Write-Host "     -newnet ""network name"""
	Write-Host "          Create a new network in a given Organization."
	Write-Host "          Used together with -organization"
	Write-Host ""
	Write-Host "     -newdev serial-number"
	Write-Host "          Claim a device into a given Network."
	Write-Host "          Used together with -network"
	Write-Host ""
	Write-Host "     -newwhd destination-url"
	Write-Host "          Creates a new Webhook Destination; Returns the Webhook ID."
	Write-Host "          Used together with -network"
	Write-Host ""
	Write-Host "     -setwhalert webhook-id"
	Write-Host "          Enable Configuration Change Alerts for a Webhook with the provided ID."
	Write-Host "          Used together with -network"
	Write-Host ""
	Write-Host "     -setssid ""ssid name"""
	Write-Host "          Configures a SSID for PSK with a provided Pre-Shared Key."
	Write-Host "          Used together with -network and -psk"
	Write-Host ""
	Write-Host "     -setssiddns"
	Write-Host "          Configures the Layer 3 Firewall for the first SSID to allow only Umbrella DNS."
	Write-Host "          Used together with -network"
	Write-Host ""
	Write-Host "     -setporttag ""tag-name"""
	Write-Host "          Sets a tag on a specfied switch port."
	Write-Host "          Used together with -network and -port"
	Write-Host ""
	Write-Host "     -setportvlan ""vlan-id"""
	Write-Host "          Sets a VLAN on a specfied switch port."
	Write-Host "          Used together with -network and -port"
	Write-Host ""
	Write-Host "OPTIONS"
	Write-Host ""
	Write-Host "     -organization"
	Write-Host "          Specify the Organization to apply the action to."
	Write-Host ""
	Write-Host "     -network"
	Write-Host "          Specify the Network to apply the action to."
	Write-Host ""
	Write-Host "     -device"
	Write-Host "          Specify the Device to apply the action to."
	Write-Host ""
	Write-Host "     -psk"
	Write-Host "          Specify the PSK to use when configuring a SSID."
	Write-Host ""
	Write-Host "     -port"
	Write-Host "          Specify the Port to use when configuring a switch port."
	Write-Host ""

# get all organizations
function getOrgs {
	$res = callGETService '/organizations'

	Foreach ($x in $res)
		Write-Host "* $($x.id) - $($x.name)"

# get all networks
function getNets {
	$uri = '/organizations/' + $args[0] + '/networks';
	$res = callGETService $uri;

	Foreach ($x in $res)
		Write-Host "* $($x.id) - $($x.name)"

# get all devices
function getDevs {
	$uri = '/networks/' + $args[0] + '/devices'
	$res = callGETService $uri

	Foreach ($x in $res)
		Write-Host "* $($x.serial) - $($x.model) - $($x.mac)"

# add network
function newNet {
	$network = @{
		type='switch appliance wireless'
	$testuri = "/organizations"
	$newhost = find308dest $global:base_url $testuri
	$uri = $newhost + '/organizations/' + $args[1] + '/networks'
	$res = callPOSTService $uri $network

	$id = $res.id
	$sc = $res.statuscode
	if ($sc -eq $null) {
		Write-Host 'New network' '"'$id'"' 'created.'
	} else {
		$rout = $res | ConvertTo-Json
	        Write-Host ""
		Write-Host $rout

# add device
function newDev {
	$device = @{
	$testuri = "/networks/" + $args[1]
	$newhost = find308dest $global:base_url $testuri
	$uri = $newhost + '/networks/' + $args[1] + '/devices/claim'
	$res = callPOSTService $uri $device

	$id = $res.id
	$sc = $res.statuscode
	if ($sc -eq $null) {
		Write-Host 'New device' '"'$args[1]'"' 'claimed.'
	} else {
		$rout = $res | ConvertTo-Json
	        Write-Host ""
		Write-Host $rout

# add webhook destination
function newWebhookDest {
	$wh = @{
	$testuri = "/networks/" + $args[1]
	$newhost = find308dest $global:base_url $testuri
	$uri = $newhost + '/networks/' + $args[1] + '/httpServers'
	$res = callPOSTService $uri $wh

	$id = $res.id
	$sc = $res.statuscode
	if ($sc -eq $null) {
		Write-Host 'New webhook destination' '"'$id'"' 'created.'
	} else {
		$rout = $res | ConvertTo-Json
	        Write-Host ""
		Write-Host $rout

# set webhook alert for config changes
function setWebhook {
	$wh = @{
	$testuri = "/networks/" + $args[1]
	$newhost = find308dest $global:base_url $testuri
	$uri = $newhost + "/networks/" + $args[1] + "/alertSettings"
	$res = callPUTService $uri $wh

	$id = $res.number
	$sc = $res.statuscode
	if ($sc -eq $null) {
		Write-Host "Configuration update alerts enabled for webhook" '"'$args[0]'"' "."
	} else {
		$rout = $res | ConvertTo-Json
	        Write-Host ""
		Write-Host $rout

# configure SSID
function setSsid {
	$ssid = @{
		wpaEncryptionMode='WPA2 only'
	$testuri = "/networks/" + $args[1]
	$newhost = find308dest $global:base_url $testuri
	$uri = $newhost + "/networks/" + $args[1] + "/ssids/0"
	$res = callPUTService $uri $ssid

	$id = $res.number
	$sc = $res.statuscode
	if ($sc -eq $null) {
		Write-Host "SSID" '"'$id'"' " configured."
	} else {
		$rout = $res | ConvertTo-Json
	        Write-Host ""
		Write-Host $rout

# configure SSID L3 FW to only allow Umbrella DNS
function setSsidDns {
	$ssid = @{
				comment='Allow Umbrella DNS'
				comment='Allow Umbrella DNS'
				comment='Block Other DNS'
	$testuri = "/networks/" + $args[0]
	$newhost = find308dest $global:base_url $testuri
	$uri = $newhost + "/networks/" + $args[0] + "/ssids/0/l3FirewallRules"
	$res = callPUTService $uri $ssid

	$id = $res.number
	$sc = $res.statuscode
	if ($sc -eq $null) {
		Write-Host "DNS Restrictions set on SSID."
	} else {
		$rout = $res | ConvertTo-Json
	        Write-Host ""
		Write-Host $rout

# configure tag on switch port
function setPortTag {
	$port = @{
	$testuri = "/devices/" + $args[1] + "/switchPorts"
	$newhost = find308dest $global:base_url $testuri
	$uri = $newhost + "/devices/" + $args[1] + "/switchPorts/" + $args[2]
	$res = callPUTService $uri $port

	$id = $res.number
	$sc = $res.statuscode
	if ($sc -eq $null) {
		Write-Host "Tag" '"'$args[0]'"' "added to port" '"'$args[2]'"' "."
	} else {
		$rout = $res | ConvertTo-Json
	        Write-Host ""
		Write-Host $rout

# configure vlan on switch port
function setPortVlan {
	$port = @{
	$testuri = "/devices/" + $args[1] + "/switchPorts"
	$newhost = find308dest $global:base_url $testuri
	$uri = $newhost + "/devices/" + $args[1] + "/switchPorts/" + $args[2]
	$res = callPUTService $uri $port

	$id = $res.number
	$sc = $res.statuscode
	if ($sc -eq $null) {
		Write-Host "Port" '"'$args[2]'"' "set as Access VLAN" '"'$args[0]'"' "."
	} else {
		$rout = $res | ConvertTo-Json
	        Write-Host ""
		Write-Host $rout

# get wireless health
function getWirelessHealth {
	$tsend = [int64](([datetime]::UtcNow)-(get-date "1/1/1970")).TotalSeconds
	$offset = 3600 * $args[1]
	$tsstr = $tsend - $offset

	$uri = '/networks/' + $args[0] + '/connectionStats?t0=' + $tsstr + '&t1=' + $tsend
	$res = callGETService $uri;
	$total = $res.assoc + $res.auth + $res.dhcp + $res.dns + $res.success
	$ftotal = $res.assoc + $res.auth + $res.dhcp + $res.dns
	Write-Host "Wireless Health Information"
	Write-Host "(Last $($args[1]) Hours)"
	Write-Host "---------------------------"
	Write-Host "     Total Connections: $($total)"
	Write-Host "  Association Failures: $($res.assoc)"
	Write-Host "Authorization Failures: $($res.auth)"
	Write-Host "         DHCP Failures: $($res.dhcp)"
	Write-Host "          DNS Failures: $($res.dns)"
	Write-Host "                      ------"
	Write-Host "    Failed Connections: $($ftotal)"
	Write-Host "Successful Connections: $($res.success)"
	Write-Host ""

	$uri = '/networks/' + $args[0] + '/failedConnections?t0=' + $tsstr + '&t1=' + $tsend
	$res = callGETService $uri;
	$count = 0
    Write-Host "Last 10 Failures"
    Write-Host "---------------------------"
	Foreach ($x in $res)
		$curtime = Convert-FromUnixDate $x.ts
		Write-Host "* Client $($x.clientMac) failed at $($curtime). Cause: $($x.type) ($($x.failureStep))"
		if ($count -eq 10) {

If ($help -eq $true) {
} ElseIf ($getorgs -eq $true) {
} ElseIf ($getnets -eq $true) {
	getNets $organization
} ElseIf ($getdevs -eq $true) {
	getDevs $network
} ElseIf ($gethealth -eq $true) {
	getWirelessHealth $network $timespan
} ElseIf ($newnet -ne $false) {
	newNet $newnet $organization
} ElseIf ($newdev -ne $false) {
	newDev $newdev $network
} ElseIf ($newwhd -ne $false) {
	newWebhookDest $newwhd $network
} ElseIf ($setwhalert -ne $false) {
	setWebhook $setwhalert $network
} ElseIf ($setssid -ne $false) {
	setSsid $setssid $network $psk
} ElseIf ($setssiddns -eq $true) {
	setSsidDns $network
} ElseIf ($setporttag -ne $false) {
	setPortTag $setporttag $device $port
} ElseIf ($setportvlan -ne $false) {
	setPortVlan $setportvlan $device $port
} Else {


here is my method of dealing with redirects on PUT or POST calls. Incase of assistance.


$resource = "https://api.meraki.com/api/v0/networks/$networkId/devices/$serial"
$redirect = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $resource -MaximumRedirection 0 -Method PUT -Header $header -Body $body
if ($redirect.StatusCode -eq 308)
$resourceRedirect = $redirect.Headers.Location
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $resourceRedirect -MaximumRedirection 0 -Method PUT -Header $header -Body $body


Thank you both @joshand and @MarkD_BT 
I read somewhere else that instead of using the base URL https://api.meraki.com/api/v0, just use the redirect link you see when you work on your dashboard and follows the pattern: 'https://nXXX.meraki.com/api/v0'

However what you explained is so much cleaner.

Hey @LauraZ 


glad it helped if your working against 1 organisation it's fine replacing the url, but If you have multiple orgs then this causes more issues. So I find it easier to use the base url and script a redirect so you can handle all orgs you might look after. Good luck with your scripting.




This is my self designed code... And though fairly messy. All the functions work. 


You may have some answers to help you there. your $request = statement looks.. I can't decipher what it's doing. But maybe mine will help you? 



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