Pagination not working for: GetOrganizationPolicyObjects API

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Pagination not working for: GetOrganizationPolicyObjects API

Hi Meraki developers,

I noticed that API GET: /organizations/{organizationId}/policyObjects?perPage=100 response header "Link" is always empty.

I have 200 policy objects. Via paginated request I can receive only the first N (for example 100) entries, "Link" response header is empty and I consider that there are no more objects.

Request: curl -L --request GET \
--url \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer xxx' \
--header 'Accept: application/json'

4 Replies 4
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Hi ,

This has been reported multiple times here and on reddit. I would suggest you to open a case.

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

@RaphaelL is correct and I see an internal bug filed on this already. As suggested I would open a case so they can attach yours to the parent case/bug and hopefully it will add add some traction to getting this resolved. 

Ryan / SE - Networking

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Hi @Ryan_Miles, do you have an estimation of when the fix will be ready?


Hi @Ilya_Kisel 


Progress tracking and updates would need to come from Meraki Support. If you haven't already please open a Support case and they can link your issue to the parent issue for tracking & updates.



Ryan / SE - Networking

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