New feature: per-endpoint release stage documentation

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

New feature: per-endpoint release stage documentation

In the latest release of dashboard API, there is a new feature in the OpenAPI spec that enables you to know if a given organization has access to early access APIs. The tag is called "x-release-stage" and appears for endpoints in the spec that are beta.


To see this tag, GET the spec for the given org using the getOrganizationOpenapiSpec endpoint:


GET /organizations/:organizationId/openapiSpec


As an example, you''ll see this for a given beta GET endpoint, if that org has access to beta endpoints:


"endpoint/path/here": {
        "get": {
            "description": "endpoint description here",
            // other attributes here
            "x-release-stage": "beta"


If you get the spec for an org, and you don't see any endpoints marked "x-release-stage": "beta", then you know the organization is not opted into the early API access program.

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