Migrate sites between templates

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Migrate sites between templates

Hi all,


I want to migrate sites between two templates, to cut down on the amount of templates that our org. is using. Our templates are set up to give a unique range within 10./8 for each VLAN, then we manually set the IP addresses per site (Within that range). When migrating to a different template, we lose the manual IP addressing on these sites. This is a pretty manual process to migrate 300+ sites to new templates and reinstate the IP addressing.


Has anyone done this in a faster way before, or have any ideas? A way that I could do bulk sites instead of 1 at a time?


We have previously tried to automate this, and had some limited success by pulling all network data into a CSV and then posting it all after changing the template via API. This script has broken lately (Last used a year+ ago), and I was wondering if there was another way to do this that might be simpler.



1 Reply 1
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

I think I would write a script to dump the IP addressing of every network by name, and then another to use that other to set the IP addressing back for networks with the same name.


And then just manually move the networks from one template to another.

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