This is one of the API calls that unfortunately doesn't provide a way to choose an arbitrary time period, i.e, it allows setting t0 start time or a timespan (effectively meaning start time = now-timespan), but not a t1 stop time, at least according to the documentation.
A while ago I put in a wish list request for calls to always allow both t0 and t1, so far I don't have my wish.
The 'startingAfter' an 'endingBefore' parameters are set by the server to mark 'page' boundaries where the amount of data returned is so big it must be split into chunks. You can't set these values yourself (edit, you might be able to adjust them on a subsequent call in a multi-page response, I think the options below would be 'cleaner')
I have a script that gathers daily stats, it runs at the same time every day (via cron) and grabs a 24 hour sample each time, this is the snippet of code using that call...
# get list of devices on network for the last 24 hours
t = 24 * 60 * 60
clients = await aiomeraki.networks.getNetworkClients(net['id'], timespan=t, perPage=1000, total_pages="all")
...this is using the Python Meraki package.
If you need a different sample period, change the timespan and run frequency to match.
An alternate approach is to use a call that does allow both t0 and t1 to be specified, then you have flexibility over when you run things, for instance...!get-network-clients-usage-histories
...if a client has usage in the period, it clearly was connected.