How to add new dhcp relay server from postman API

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How to add new dhcp relay server from postman API

I need to add an additional DHCP server to several sites as a backup but the postman API call wipes the current values and just add the new ones. 


for example, I currently have different server IPs  per region and I want to add a central DHCP relay as but when I run the API it just wipes the current values and  adds just the IP.


$body = @"
`"dhcpHandling`": `"Relay DHCP to another server`",
`"dhcpRelayServerIps`": [


$response = Invoke-RestMethod $endpointuplink -Method 'PUT' -Headers $headers -Body $body
$response | ConvertTo-Json


Anyone with a similar situation that can share any knowledge?

2 Replies 2
Meraki Employee All-Star Meraki Employee All-Star
Meraki Employee All-Star

Send both the existing and the new IP. Example of updating my VLAN with a 3rd server IP while retaining the existing first two IPs.
"dhcpRelayServerIps": [
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Hi, the issue is that we have several different DHCP servers for several different sites so that would not work.

Fortunatelly I was able to figure this out getting the network vlan data 1st and then putting it in a variable and then concatenate the new IP. this is a snip of code, my logic can be a little weird, im just starting with this :).


#This gets the current Network Vlan values
$request = Invoke-RestMethod $endpointuplink -Method 'GET' -Headers $headers

#This code will add the "" to the DHCP IP values and format it for the API call to work correctly
[string]$servers = $null
[Array]$servers = $request.dhcpRelayServerIps
[Array]$current = '"{0}"' -f ($servers -join '","')

if ($servers -contains $newserver){
write-host("DHCP IP is duplicated")
}else {

$body = @"
`"dhcpRelayServerIps`": [$current,"$newserver"]

$response = Invoke-RestMethod $endpointuplink -Method 'PUT' -Headers $headers -Body $body
$response | ConvertTo-Json

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