Help, missing API endpoint for SDWAN


Help, missing API endpoint for SDWAN

Hi all,


I'm going to develop a tool/script  to implement a massive deployment (more than 600 sites) of Meraki devices configured for Autovpn and SD-WAN. Looking at the API documentation I can not find the following Endpoints:


1) An endpoint to configure how the Traffic will use SD-wan tunnels, e.g. load-balancing or prefer link Wan 1 for Voip Traffic

2) it is not necessary but would be usefull an endpoint to configure static ip address on the WAN link


I guess that point 1 is a must Have in a Software Define Enviroment. Can you help me find which APIs I can use to implement SD-WAN policy on the Meraki Dashboard?

4 Replies 4
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

I don't believe there is such an API.


Typically when deploying a lot of sites that are the same you would bind the networks to a template.


What you configure on a template will be used by every network bound to it.  If you subsequently change a template it will update every network bound to it.


You can use this API to bind a network to a template.


If you don't want to use configuration templates then you can setup a single network exactly how you want with all the rules, and then when you create a new network you can reference that one you setup (copyFromNetworkId).


You might also want to consider using the bulk network creation tool.  You put all the info into a CSV and then import it.  Note that it creates a seperate network for each type of device, which you then have to combined again.


Hi PhilipDAth, 

Really thanks for your answer they are very helpful.

I don't want to use template because i want to have different settings for each network eg. vlans and lan adresses.

I will give a try to the copyFromNetworkId and to the bulkimport, (really thanks to point me to this two features), but i worry it will be just a workaround.

What i want to do is to implement different SDWAN settings for each network, or group of networks. In other word i want to change via API the configuration described as "Adding Performance and Policy Rules" at this link:



Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

>I don't want to use template because i want to have different settings for each network eg. vlans and lan adresses.


With templates you have to have the same VLANs at each site, but you can change the IP addressing of each VLAN.


Why would you want each spoke to have different performance classes?  Normally you would have a uniform policy over a network.


Hi Philip,


Thanks for support.

i want group of spokes to have different uplink preference, because each group have different applications need and SP configuration.

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