Guest WIFI Reporting

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Guest WIFI Reporting

Good Morning, 


We are about to deploy a guest WIFI and was wondering if there is an API call to show what the top 5 websites that our guests visits per AP per SSID? 


We also want to know the top 5 websites visited on each SSID as a whole SSID.  


Is that possible?

3 Replies 3
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Unfortunately, there are no APIs for this. See the available APIs.!get-organization-summary-top-appliances-by-utilizati...

I am not a Cisco Meraki employee. My suggestions are based on documentation of Meraki best practices and day-to-day experience.

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Head in the Cloud

Don't think there's anything that will do this for you in the current API.


At network level there's!get-network-traffic which will let you choose 'wireless' but not down to per-AP or per-SSID level. It's all traffic, not just websites, you'd need to process the data to choose just the bits you want and build a table to get the top five.


You can also get data for a list of one or more clients, but that's likely to get messy/hard to scale with large numbers of clients.!get-network-clients-application-usage It won't tell you AP/SSID, you could partition IP space into different ranges for each AP and SSID as a workaround, or use other calls to determine which one a client was using, messy.


Using netflow is another approach, you'd need to set up a collector to take the data and do the analysis, I think you'll still need to use client IP to figure out the AP/SSID.


Alternate approach: on the network-wide > traffic analytics page you can choose wireless, duration and SSID, I think you can deep-link the CSV download. So build a table of deeplinks by network+duration+SSID then iterate through that periodically. Won't give you per-AP though. This probably gets you closest with least effort.


Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Not the answer you are looking for, but some alternatives:


Network-Wide/Traffic Analytics shows the top applications that have been used.  You enable this under Network-Wide/General (in case you have it turned off).


Organization/Summary report also has some info, and you can schedule this one to be enabled to you on a regular basis.

PhilipDAth_0-1670872741714.pngScreenshot 2022-12-13 081928.jpg

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