I have some code i use :
def Check_WIFI_Usage(def_network_id) :
############################################################## # Browse all devices active the last day = 86400 seconds
# Can be lots of pages... These are all clients on the network
param = {}
param['timespan'] = 86400
my_clients = dashboard.clients.getNetworkClients(def_network_id,total_pages=-1,**param)
for my_client in my_clients:
# Get the device Policy... we check Normal and Blocked
my_policy = dashboard.clients.getNetworkClientPolicy(def_network_id,my_client['id'])
# Calculate usage
user_sent = int(my_client['usage']['sent']/1024)
user_recv = int(my_client['usage']['recv']/1024)
user_total = int(user_sent+user_recv)
The value in my_client['vlan'] is the vlan ID you can use...
This will have every client within the past 24 hours.