Error in splashAuthorizationStatus request

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Error in splashAuthorizationStatus request

when hitting the request<NETWORK_ID>/clients/00:6d:55:44:22:33/splashAuthorizationSta... I get the below

{"errors":["Locales are not supported"]} and HTTP code 400.


What does this mean? Is there any documentation on the errors? (the MAC above address is a fake - in the actual request I use a valid one)

5 Replies 5
Meraki Alumni (Retired)
Meraki Alumni (Retired)

Is your network a combined network? (You can tell by looking at the "network type" column on the Organization > Overview page.)
Solutions Architect @ Cisco Meraki | API & Developer Ecosystem
Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

The combined network is likely the issue. This API call requires the specific network ID. This works fine for networks that are not combined but presents a problem when they are. At this time, you can contact Meraki Support to get the network ID. 


There is no way that we can get this information for ourselves? If it mattered, why wouldn't it show different options for [combined network] switching and [combined network] wireless under the api/v0/organizations/<org id>/networks?

Here to help

We need a way to leverage the splashAuthorizationStatus strictly through the API. Our networks are too vast to manually associate all of our hardware in our database with network IDs. Please advise.

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee


Use a deep link to pull the full Org-wide JSON data, which includes the specific Network IDs.


Here is the important bit:


Network ID within a Combined Network

Get network IDs for use with some of the Meraki Dashboard API endpoints, such as Return the Policy Assigned to a Client (Click-through splash page). This endpoint requires the specific wireless network ID within a combined network. Since the normal Dashboard API call to return a network only returns combined network IDs, it could be difficult to leverage this endpoint.

Network ID Formats

Combined Network (Locale) ID: L_1234567890
Single Network ID: N_1234567890


Use the Administered Orgs deep link to return the complete Org JSON.


The JSON will include an array of networks. Search for the network in question and note the id.

            "n":"Sandbox 2 - Ireland - wireless",
            "network_tags":" sandbox ",

Construct the new network ID by appending an n_ , for example the above ID would look like N_646829496481144476


Now you can now return a client’s Splash Authorization like this:

$ curl -X GET \
> \
>   -H 'X-Cisco-Meraki-API-Key: be647eed304654BoGuSd07b7f7ceffffff02de'
{"ssids":{"4":{"isAuthorized":true,"authorizedAt":"2018-05-07 09:39:32 UTC","expiresAt":"2018-05-08 09:39:32 UTC"}}}$



Hope this helps!

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