Difference in Uplink API status endpoints

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Difference in Uplink API status endpoints

Hi Al,


It would be helpful if someone could check what the two below API endpoints provided in terms of major differences as I don't have all Meraki models in my ORG to compare.


I do like the HA data in the one API endpoint that is missing in the other API endpoint and I would prefer to use one rather than two just for that type of information.


Documentation mentions this is only for MX and Z devices:




Documentation mentions this is only for MX and MG and Z devices:




Any help would be much appreciated.



1 Reply 1
Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

@Techniche I verified these two endpoints on our demo environment and can confirm the document is correct. 

Endpoint get-organization-appliance-uplink-statuses doesn't provide the uplink info for MG.

Besides this, both endpoints return the same parameters for each MX or Z device. 

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