🎤 Developer Blog Alert: Improving API Quality and Security with API Insights 🎤

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

🎤 Developer Blog Alert: Improving API Quality and Security with API Insights 🎤

Be sure to check out this blog by Grace Francisco, Vice President, Developer Relations Strategy & Experience, announcing the release of API Insights today.


API Insights is an open source tool that enables developers to adopt API best practices before APIs enter production, helping to shift quality and security of APIs left. It also helps organizations evaluate, manage, and improve the quality of their existing API portfolios.


Meraki is just one of the Cisco business units that has been using API Insights to evaluate and strengthen their APIs. 


By leveraging API Insights in our efforts to drive up the quality of our APIs, Meraki has been able to gain new visibility into this process. Ultimately, this results in a better experience for API developers and consumers.


Read more about this announcement (and @DexterLaBora's aka, Cory Guynn's quote) in the link below.




Be sure to share your thoughts with us as well below! 


Ana Nennig
2 Replies 2
Building a reputation

This is a great innovation and Cisco are to be applauded for it.


However, to get THIS audience REALLY excited for this, please let us know the URL where the Meraki v1 API's API Insights score are published.


We don't mind what the score is (how good / how bad).  What we really want to see is Meraki's commitment to improvement over time.


API first is SO important to Meraki's current success, and improvements to the API will be what keeps Meraki ahead of the competition.


Alternatively, if anyone here has already run the tool against the Meraki API's v1 swagger, please let me know!

Author, https://www.nuget.org/packages/Meraki.Api/
Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Hi @david_n_m_bond, thanks for your interest. I don't believe the Insights team is currently publishing the scores of API specifications from different product teams across Cisco. However, as you mentioned, our spec is open source, as is the tool itself, and anyone interested could run the analysis on our open spec by standing up a copy of the application.


How might the score (or the detailed analysis) be useful outside of the teams building those APIs? I'm not sure how outside developers would act on the feedback from the tool. Curious to hear your thoughts, here.

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