Dashboard API getFloorPlans gps coords


Dashboard API getFloorPlans gps coords

I'm trying to show a floorPlan i'm getting from the meraki dashboard API but using the gps coordinates i get from the API for the corners the floorPlan gets distorted and doesnt look right.


This one is the floorPlan in the meraki dashboard:



And here is how it looks in my app usinf the info i get from the Dashboard API:



This is the code i use to add the image to the map:


useEffect(() => {
    if (floorPlanFiltered && map) {
      currentFloorPlan && map.leafletElement.removeLayer(currentFloorPlan);
      let overlay = new Leaflet.imageOverlay.rotated(
          opacity: 1,
          interactive: true

      Leaflet.marker([floorPlanFiltered.topLeftCorner.lat, floorPlanFiltered.topLeftCorner.lng]).addTo(map.leafletElement)
      Leaflet.marker([floorPlanFiltered.topRightCorner.lat, floorPlanFiltered.topRightCorner.lng]).addTo(map.leafletElement)
      Leaflet.marker([floorPlanFiltered.bottomRightCorner.lat, floorPlanFiltered.bottomRightCorner.lng]).addTo(map.leafletElement)
      Leaflet.marker([floorPlanFiltered.bottomLeftCorner.lat, floorPlanFiltered.bottomLeftCorner.lng]).addTo(map.leafletElement)
  }, [floorPlanFiltered, map])



It looks like the gpsCoords I get from the API are wrong or maybe I'm using them for the wrong thing. Does anyone know why this is happening?


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