🔥📣 Dashboard API Version 1.45.0 Released 📣🔥

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

🔥📣 Dashboard API Version 1.45.0 Released 📣🔥

Cisco Meraki Changelog Image.jpg







Read more about Dashboard API Version 1.45.0

Via our What's New Page here


  • Terraform

    • Meraki has just released an official Terraform provider, enabling Infrastructure as Code.
    • Community post
  • API Index

    • A new page on the API Docs is available to explore, filter and search all Meraki API operations and their related details.
    • Community post
  • Cisco XDR Integration

    • A new custom webhook template for the Cisco XDR Automation service is now available.
    • Docs
  • Response Schemas

    • Major improvements to over 200 response schemas across the API. These updates provide comprehensive property documentation, ensuring complete and accurate API responses for better integration and automation.

Dashboard API Version 1.45.0 Released

Summary of changes:

  • 6 - New
  • 203 - Updated
  • 700 - Total Endpoints
  • 454 - Total Paths

What's New

  • Appliance - SDWAN
    • Update SDWAN Internet Traffic Preferences for an MX Network [PUT /networks/{networkId}/appliance/sdwan/internetPolicies]
      • Enhance MX network performance by customizing SDWAN internet traffic preferences, including uplink choices based on performance criteria and traffic filters.
      • Resource
  • Switch - Ports
    • Returns Active Ports Overview [GET /organizations/{organizationId}/switch/ports/overview]
      • Offers a detailed count of all active and inactive switch ports within a specified timeframe, categorized by speed and media type.
      • Resource
  • Sensor - Commands
    • Historical Log of Commands [GET /devices/{serial}/sensor/commands]

      • Retrieve a log of all sensor-related commands issued to a device, detailing each command's execution status and administrative origin.
      • Resource
    • Send Command to Sensor [POST /devices/{serial}/sensor/commands]

      • Issue direct commands to Meraki MT sensors, enabling remote sensor management and configuration.
      • Resource
    • Command Execution Status [GET /devices/{serial}/sensor/commands/{commandId}]

      • Access detailed information on the execution of specific sensor commands, including operational outcomes and any encountered errors.
      • Resource
  • Wireless - SSIDs and RF Profiles
    • List BSSID Status Information [GET /organizations/{organizationId}/wireless/ssids/statuses/byDevice]

      • Gather status details for all BSSIDs across the organization, including RF band, channel information, and SSID configuration.
      • Resource
    • RF Profile Assignments by Device [GET /organizations/{organizationId}/wireless/rfProfiles/assignments/byDevice]

      • Enumerate RF profile settings applied across devices within the organization, facilitating optimized wireless performance management.
      • Resource

**Visit our Changelog today to read about all the latest updates!**

1 Reply 1
Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Python Library v1.45.0 is now available 🐍✌🏼1️⃣4️⃣5️⃣0️⃣

Library version 1.45.0 includes the latest capabilities released in the latest dashboard API release. Read more on GitHub.


Install or upgrade with:


pip install --upgrade meraki 


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