Hi Community,
I need some clarification:
When I make an API call to "/organizations/{organizationId}/uplinks/statuses," and receive a status like "active," "ready," or "failed," is that status representative of the device's current state at the time of the API call, or does the data returned reflect historical information? For example, if I make an API call at 1 pm, will the status of the device returned be based on its state at that time, or from a different time?
Example payload:
"networkId": "N_80",
"serial": "Q2CZ-S6JR",
"model": "VMX-L",
"highAvailability": {
"enabled": false,
"role": "primary"
"lastReportedAt": "2024-04-30T02:45:23Z",
"uplinks": [
"interface": "wan1",
"status": "active",
"ip": "",
"gateway": "",
"publicIp": "103.X.X.231",
"primaryDns": "",
"secondaryDns": "",
"ipAssignedBy": "dhcp"