Hello Community,
I'm writing a Powershell script to automate the migration of my company's SSIDs from their old RADIUS servers to new ones that I setup. I'm coming up against a hurdle that neither my network admin nor I can seem to pin down.
When attempting to PUT a new config on an SSID I receive the error:
{"errors":["Could not find a default vlan id for all other APs."]}
The request body is (edits have been made for privacy):
"ipAssignmentMode": "Bridge mode",
"wpaEncryptionMode": "WPA2 only",
"useVlanTagging": true,
"radiusServers": [
"port": 1812,
"secret": "presharedkey1234",
"host": ""
"port": 1812,
"secret": "presharedkey1234",
"host": ""
"radiusFailoverPolicy": "Deny access",
"name": "Unconfigured SSID TEST",
"enabled": true,
"defaultVlanid": 24,
"splashPage": "None",
"authMode": "8021x-radius",
"radiusLoadBalancingPolicy": "Round robin"
I've tried splitting up the config changes into two separate PUT requests (i.e. apply a simple config, then go back and apply one with more details) with the same error.
I've searched the forum for every similar-looking issue, but haven't come across anything that moved me forward.
I'd appreciate any and every effort that'd assist me in resolving the issue.