Bulk renaming of APs through Postman Runner fails

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Bulk renaming of APs through Postman Runner fails

I’m trying to do a bulk rename of APs in Postman. I have Postman set up with the following variables



And they work, so if I do any of the following, I get the expected output

GET {{baseUrl}}/organizations

GET {{baseUrl}}/organizations/:organizationId/networks

GET {{baseUrl}}/organizations/:organizationId/devices

GET {{baseUrl}}/networks/:networkId/devices

GET {{baseUrl}}/networks/:networkId/wireless/ssids/

So now I want to use runner, so I created a CSV file called “name-change-data” with a header line and a single line relating to a single AP I want to test on



The serial number is the number seen in the Meraki Dashboard, so I know that is right, and the name is just a different string to what is there at the moment.

I then create a collection called “Bulk Rename APs” that looks like this:




the format of which was as specified in https://community.meraki.com/t5/Wireless/Rename-AP-with-postman-runner/m-p/21137#M3507

Next, I set up the body section as follows:



"name": "{{name}}",

"serial": "{{serial}}"



I then go to file>New Runner Tab, and get a window that asks me to “Drag a collection from the sidebar to run”, so I drag “Bulk Rename APs” in. It goes in with a lot of others, so I deselect all of them and reselect “Bulk Rename APs”



On the right of the page, I click “Select File” and select “name-change-data.csv” and then click the “run” button. I get the following result:




And the console shows



What am I doing wrong, and why is github flagged?

GET https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexterlabora/json-magic/master/postman/postman-viz-jsonmagic-templ...



All advice gratefully recieved!





5 Replies 5
Kind of a big deal

Your CSV format appears to be incorrect, please try the following.

ABC123456789,New AP Name
I am not a Cisco Meraki employee. My suggestions are based on documentation of Meraki best practices and day-to-day experience.

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I tried changing the CSV format, and this time read it in notepad to be sure I wasn't missing something. It now looks like this (X's to replace real data):




so as you can see, the format now matches your example. I tried again to change the  AP name and got the following:


and the consoles said this:


so I'm still doing something wrong..




Kind of a big deal

It's not exactly the same error, but maybe it will help you.






I am not a Cisco Meraki employee. My suggestions are based on documentation of Meraki best practices and day-to-day experience.

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Kind of a big deal

It might be interesting to open a discussion in the Postman community.

I am not a Cisco Meraki employee. My suggestions are based on documentation of Meraki best practices and day-to-day experience.

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Kind of a big deal

Take a look at this:  https://learning.postman.com/docs/collections/running-collections/working-with-data-files/

I am not a Cisco Meraki employee. My suggestions are based on documentation of Meraki best practices and day-to-day experience.

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