Are Deep Links deprecated in favour of URL in API responses?

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Are Deep Links deprecated in favour of URL in API responses?

Is the method of deep linking described in: still the correct way of doing it?
Or should/can we use the URL property that is included in the API responses:





        "lat": 37.4180951010362,
        "lng": -122.098531723022,
        "address": "",
        "serial": "Q2MD-Y5QK-LAK2",
        "mac": "e0:cb:bc:51:28:f2",
        "lanIp": null,
        "networkId": "L_646829496481107582",
        "tags": [],
        "model": "MR53",
        "firmware": "wireless-27-5-12",
        "floorPlanId": null
Where the URL property appears to link directly to the device, without being redirected through
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