Hi Everyone.
I am trying to setup ansible to interact with the meraki api, and I am having difficulties.
I am using the instructions provided on the github. https://github.com/meraki/dashboard-api-ansible
However when attempting to perform the basic who_am_i.yml script, it will fail and indicate that the SDK is not installed.
I have attached screenshots of my linux workstation.
Instead of naming the script who_am_i.yml, I created one called helloworld.yml.
Instead of naming the hosts as meraki_servers, it is called meraki.
my Collection output indicating that cisco.meraki is installed and up to date.

My Anisble Version. indicating that the core is 2.17.1 and the python version is 3.12

My helloworld.yml file, the vars_file is extra but in my environement it is required or else the playbook will fail.

The output of the playbook for the task.

The output of pip install meraki indicating it is installed.

While I am uncertain, I think this would be a fraction of the SDK library for meraki but its located in ansible, which is odd.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.