Hi @John_on_API ,
Thank you for your suggestion. I have tried v0 endpoint and it works perfectly. However there is an issue.
I have a network with both an MX-68W and an AP.
If I use any of the v0 or v1 endpoints to Get SSIDs or Update SSID's , it only returns me the SSID's from the AP and enables/disables the SSID from the AP. It still continues to broadcast from the MX-W.
If i remove the AP out of the network and keep only the MX-68W, then the v0 endpoints for Fetching and Updating the SSID's on the MX-W works perfectly fine.
My end objective is the following:
"Network with MX-W and AP (both broadcasting the same SSIDs) - Fetch SSIDs - Disable SSID 1/2/3 - It should disable SSID broadcasting on both the MX-W and the AP. "
But currently it only disables from the AP.
I have raised a feature request, however if there are any suggestions for an alternative endpoint please do let me know and I'll be glad to test them out.
Looking forward to your response.