API call to add Umbrella Key and Secret to Meraki

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API call to add Umbrella Key and Secret to Meraki

I'm trying to automate creating an organization in Meraki and configure it with the Meraki API. I use powershell but it's the endpoints really that I am looking for. 


So I have an API key created. I keep it in Secret Server so that I can retrieve it with code.

$apikey = get-the-key-from Secret-Server


I can create a header.

$Global:Headers = @{
'X-Cisco-Meraki-API-Key' = "$($apikey)"

$baseURI = 'https://api.meraki.com/api/v1'
$ContentType = 'application/json'


I can clone an organization from out gold-template


$EndpointDataURI = 'organizations'
$FullURI = "$baseURI/$EndpointDataURI"


Get the golgentemplate

$allOrgs = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $FullURI -ContentType $ContentType -Headers $Headers -Method GET
$goldenOrg = $allOrgs | where {$_.name -eq "gold-template"}


Clone the new organization

$newOrgName = "MyNewOrg"

$EndpointDataURI = "organizations/$goldenOrgID/clone"
$body = @{ "name" = $newOrgName }
$bodyjson = $body | convertto-json
$FullURI = "$baseURI/$EndpointDataURI"


Run the command

$newOrg = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $FullURI -ContentType $ContentType -body $bodyjson -Headers $Headers -Method POST


Get the new org ID

$newOrgID = $newOrg.id


So now the new organization has been created and I can get it's ID.


Next under Network-Wide > Configure > General > Cisco Umbrella account, I want to add the umbrella key and secret. These have already been created in umbrella, and stored in Secret Server.


So I am looking for help for the URL and endpoint to configure these fields with the API.

I imagine it would be something like:

$EndpointDataURI = "organizations/$newOrgID/pathToUnrellaSettings&key=abcd&secret=1234"

$FullURI = "$baseURI/$EndpointDataURI"


or maybe key and secret are in a json body


 Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $FullURI -ContentType $ContentType -Headers $Headers -Method POST


I looked through documentation but could not find what I needed.

any help with this would be greatly appreciated. 



2 Replies 2
Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

@spacemancw there are not endpoints for the Umbrella config today. Hopefully this will come soon.

Getting noticed

I ran into this issue as well. Any update on this? Still not an option as of v1.51.1 Meraki collection.


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