API call return data change

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

API call return data change

I noticed that some API calls have changed how they handle 'missing' data in the return values.


If a device did not have a name assigned, getNetworkDevices would not have a 'name' element in the return data, same for getDevice.


My scripts check for any devices with a missing 'name' element and substitute the MAC address to create a readable name that matches the Dashboard UI behaviour.


But that changed a couple of days ago...


Now the return value will (or may?) have a 'name' element, but it'll be empty, a Python None.


So my scripts started failing because 'name' was there, but rather than being a string value, the value is None (if no name was set.)


I'm updating scripts to cope with the new behaviour, I assume it's the result of the work to make API return data more consistent. It's a sensible change, better to have a None value than omit the 'name' element from results.


If you do similar checks for a potential missing 'name' element, time to check your code as obviously the problem only shows up where a device hasn't been named, which may come as a surprise!


2 Replies 2
Meraki Employee All-Star Meraki Employee All-Star
Meraki Employee All-Star

Hi @sungod this is intentional -- we want to avoid the "missing keys" or "dynamic keys" problem by returning a consistent set of attributes whenever possible.


However, I saw you're using getNetworkDevices -- why use this instead of https://developer.cisco.com/meraki/api-v1/get-organization-devices/ ?

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Would it be possible to give advance warning, or at least have a list of calls with modified return structures? At the moment the way I find out is when something breaks.


The calls used depend on exact context, so if it's just a single network or device, that call gets used rather than org-wide. Depends how ancient the script is as well 🙂

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