API Additional Mesh Information

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API Additional Mesh Information



Starting new thread since the other was solved. 


I am also seeking to pull out the Mesh info via API from the "RF" tab if you will but don't see any calls to do so. We do so already from other wireless controllers/platforms and I know the data is there, just need the data :P. I may have missed the endpoint in the docs but didn't see the Mesh neighbors piece or RSSI on mesh nodes.




Intent is displaying internally on our custom webpages and do some custom automation and alerting on it.


The Scanning API at a quick glance doesn't have Mesh Neighbor information but client info unless I'm wrong.



3 Replies 3
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I created a case to see if that's to spot to also request the endpoint/data. Got response from support last night which basically states make a wish for now for future endpoints but I would like something sooner then 5 years out lol. No offense.




Thank you for contacting Cisco Meraki Technical Support.

I reviewed your post. The information you are looking for cannot be pulled via API at this time. You can only determine is meshing is enabled on an AP.

You can submit this as a feature request using the "Make a wish" button at the bottom of Dashboard pages. These requests are regularly reviewed by our developers and help shape the future of our products




I replied 



Minimum they could make the uplink api call show the wireless uplink info when meshed. Ill make a wish and look at some other options.

Or have meshed aps have a local ip like most other mesh topologies and platforms so we can get this info for the local aps info outside of cloud api limitations (like the local webui stats)



and then also made a wish

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I did notice this feature moments ago while looking at something and "might" be a way to pull the webUI stats off the AP that I need, however it doesn't state when in mesh mode if this alternate management ip exists or not like the primary interface does etc... Didn't look into, just noting for my future reference




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