Association IDs for connections to MRs seem to be getting sent to syslog:
1661977417.031486676 bldg_wifi_1_2 events type=association radio='1' vap='4' client_mac='FA:B2:B7:C3:55:AA' last_known_client_ip='' channel='157' rssi='26' aid='1480343236'
but they are not available via the getNetworkEvents API call?
>>> pprint(kw)
{'clientName': 'FA:B2:B7:C3:55:AA',
'endingBefore': '2022-08-31T20:25:00Z',
'includedEventTypes': ['association'],
'productType': 'wireless',
'total_pages': 10}
>>> events = d.networks.getNetworkEvents(network_id,**kw)["events"]
>>> pprint(events[50])
{'clientDescription': 'fa:b2:b7:c3:55:aa',
'clientId': 'XXXXX',
'description': '802.11 association',
'deviceName': 'bldg-wifi-1-2',
'deviceSerial': 'QXXX...',
'eventData': {'channel': '157', 'rssi': '26'},
'networkId': 'L_XXX...',
'occurredAt': '2022-08-31T20:23:36.645857Z',
'ssidName': 'XXXXXX',
'ssidNumber': 4,
'type': 'association'}
>>> events[50]["aid"]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
KeyError: 'aid'
>>> events[50]["eventData"]["aid"]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
KeyError: 'aid'
Using the 1.22.1 Python lib. Does anyone know if this is expected behavior?