dashboard.networks.getNetworkDevices( network_id )


dashboard.networks.getNetworkDevices( network_id )

Looking at the api for Meraki dashboard. I see the following for  dashboard.networks.getNetworkDevices( network_id )


Deprecated: This operation has been marked as deprecated, which means it could be removed at some point in the future.


whose output is :

[ { "name": "My AP", "lat": 37.4180951010362, "lng": -122.098531723022, "address": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "notes": "My AP's note", "tags": [ " recently-added " ], "networkId": "N_24329156", "serial": "Q234-ABCD-5678", "model": "MR34", "mac": "00:11:22:33:44:55", "lanIp": "", "firmware": "wireless-25-14", "floorPlanId": "g_2176982374", "details": [ { "name": "Catalyst serial", "value": "123ABC" } ], "beaconIdParams": { "uuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "major": 5, "minor": 3 } } ]


In using this i am able to get firmware version of each device in network in performing device queries. 
I also noticed that 
dashboard.organizations.getOrganizationDevicesStatuses(org_id, total_pages='all') is also Deprecated: This operation has been marked as deprecated, which means it could be removed at some point in the future.

[ { "name": "My AP", "lat": 37.4180951010362, "lng": -122.098531723022, "address": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave", "notes": "My AP's note", "tags": [ "recently-added" ], "networkId": "N_24329156", "serial": "Q234-ABCD-5678", "model": "MR34", "imei": "123456789000000", "mac": "00:11:22:33:44:55", "lanIp": "", "firmware": "wireless-25-14", "productType": "wireless", "details": [ { "name": "Catalyst serial", "value": "123ABC" } ] } ]



Is there a replacement for these two API commands that will give full device details similar to these that would include firmware. As getOrganizationDevicesStatusesOverview(org_id,) does not

1 Reply 1
Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

For both getNetworkDevices and getOrganizationDevicesStatuses operations you can find info on the replacement operations below and the replacement for getNetworkDevices, getOrganizationDevices, does include the firmware version running on the device.



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