I'm currently talking to support on this issue however I'm struggling to get anywhere with it and the situation is becoming a little desperate.
We started off on a per device licence model when we first started using Meraki back in 2018, it appears that was then transferred to a Co-Termination model not by us (haven't had answer from support) and then it's somehow reverted back to the per device model. The issue we have is that our MX devices which we purchased at different times of the year have now all expired on the 30th of Sept. Support won't give me any info as to why our licensing model was changed and have just stated we need to buy more licences for them. The issue is the 20 odd devices don't show which network they are assigned to on the dashboard so I don't know which MX licences have run out.

To make matters worse these devices will stop working on the 30th of October as that's the end of the 'Grace Period' which for us falls during the half term holiday with no way of replacing 20 devices in schools which will effectively leave them with no internet when they come back in.
As part of the devices due to expire are 10 x MR42 AP's which we purchased with 10 Year licences, support have basically said we will need to take a hit on those licences and purchase more licences for them to keep working.
Don't get me wrong I love the whole Meraki eco system but I feel sometimes like support are not as helpful as other companies, and just saying we need to buy more licences to keep things running is fine for a large company but for a small company like ours its a real kick in the teeth. Especially as I haven't had any reasoning as to why our licensing model changed.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.