Cannot switch organizations

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Cannot switch organizations

Hi all, new to the community, I have two small problems, firstly, i have a couple of sites that im a full administrator on, but recently, on the dashboard, it wont let me swap to the second site on my organisation list, it always just reverts back to the site at the top of the list. Secondly, i have sent links to become administrator for a handful of other sites, but my account never receives the email to verify and add to my site list.


Anyone got any idea as to what the issue might be?

3 Replies 3
New here

I've also just noticed that it hasnt verified me for the site via email link, when i resend the veri link and click it, it just takes me to the same dashboard but doesnt verify me.

Meraki Employee All-Star Meraki Employee All-Star
Meraki Employee All-Star

I suggest you open a Support case. I see your email listed in 5 different orgs and at a glance they appear to all be fine. Status says ok and not locked or unverified. 


Support should be able to get it sorted out.

New here

Did this ever get resolved? I am having an issue with this as well for multiple accounts with multiple orgs.

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