Flash Swag Giveaway!

Meraki Alumni (Retired)

As we’ve been doing our own spring cleaning here at HQ, we’ve happened upon a collection of Cisco Meraki shirts in need of a loving home. We have a select number of sizes in the following styles that we are giving away to the earliest bidders!


Black Polo:00000IMG_00000_BURST20190320160244675_COVER.jpg


Black T-Shirt:00100dPORTRAIT_00100_BURST20190320160404545_COVER.jpg



Blue T-Shirt:00000IMG_00000_BURST20190320161645181_COVER.jpg


The first members to comment on this blog post with their shirt size and which style they’d like (or PM me if you're shy) will get a shirt!


Current inventory — what is listed below is all we’ve got (I'll try to keep this up to date):

  • Black Polo: 0 Small
  • Black T-Shirt: 0 left!
  • Blue T-Shirt: 1 XXXL


Please note we can only ship to Eligible Countries.

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